Ezekiel 37: 1-14 & Acts 2: 1-21
Roger C. Lynn
May 20, 2018
If Ralph Nader were to focus his consumer advocacy attention on the Holy Spirit, he might very well be tempted to re-use one of his old book titles – “Unsafe At Any Speed.” When we look at how scripture describes the activity of the Spirit in our world and in our lives it quickly becomes clear that getting involved with God’s Holy Spirit is a dangerous business. When the Spirit shows up things start happening, things that are neither predictable nor controllable. Dead, dry bones start rattling and coming back to life. A nice, safe, quiet gathering to celebrate an old, established religious festival is suddenly transformed by wind and fire and foreign languages into a noisy tent revival where old barriers are knocked down and diversity is embraced. Being touched by the Spirit can definitely be unsettling. Old, comfortable patterns are disturbed. Safe, carefully defined boundaries are erased. The illusion of control is shattered. The Spirit’s activity can be disturbing – but it is never boring.