Jeremiah 31: 31-34 & John 2: 13-22
Roger Lynn
March 29, 2020
5th Sunday in Lent
A covenantal relationship is one which is defined by mutuality, intimacy, and deep commitment. It is the kind of relationship which is found in strong, healthy marriages. And it is the kind of relationship which God strives to establish, maintain, and nurture with all people everywhere. During this season of Lent, we have considered this theme of covenant as a journey upon which we are called to embark. It is a journey wherein we encounter the living presence of God among us. And it is a journey which involves risk and trust. But along the way, if we open ourselves to the risks and the possibilities, we can begin to experience the excitement and the passion of a deeply personal relationship with God. Such an experience is not without its own challenges, for it can be life-changing in very powerful and dramatic ways. We may find ourselves traveling down paths which surprise and even frighten us.
It is not lost on me that we are experiencing this Lenten journey in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, where so much of what we have taken for granted in life has suddenly and dramatically changed. Lent is about letting go of our tight grip on our lives so we can make room to discover God’s presence in new ways. These days of upheaval and change in which we find ourselves are forcing us to let go. We no longer have the option to hold on. What we do get to choose is how we will respond to this opportunity and what we will discover in the process. If we choose to open ourselves to the possibility of being in deep, intimate, covenantal relationship with God, then we are allowing for the possibility of experiencing new life. It is down this life-transforming path that we will discover the kind of abundant and meaningful life which God created us to live, and we will discover that we are never alone on the journey.