Sunday, June 27, 2021

Choose Life! (final sermon)

Deuteronomy 30: 19-20a
Roger Lynn
June 27, 2021
Final Sermon before retirement
(CLICK HERE for the audio for this sermon)

Moses and the Hebrew people stood together at the edge of the Promised Land, looking into a future they could only begin to comprehend. Moses would not be going with them as they took their next steps into the future to which God was calling them. And so he sent them on their way with some final words of encouragement.

This morning we stand together at the edge of the Promised Land, looking into a future which we can only begin to comprehend. And while I do not want to push a comparison with Moses very far, like Moses I will not be going with you as you take your next steps into the future to which God is calling you. I have my own Promised Land to which I am being called. And so, on this occasion, I choose to take my leave of you with the same words of encouragement which Moses spoke all those years ago. Choose Life!

It is Life to which God is calling you – to which God is always and forever calling you – rich, full, abundant Life! And there are opportunities every day, every moment, for each of you individually, and all of you collectively as a congregation, to choose how you will respond to God’s call. Moses spoke of the choice in terms of blessings or curses. He might just as easily have said light and darkness, or abundance and scarcity, or life and death. The truth of the matter is that there is only one reality – Life! Except when we choose to close our eyes and turn away and live as if we are on our own. Then we find ourselves disconnected from that which is most Real. We close ourselves off from the abundant life which is our Sacred birthright. So choose life! Not just once, but in every moment of your living! Choose life, so that you may truly Live!

It is easy for me to offer you these words, because during the almost six years I have been with you I have watched you choose life over and over again. So I’m not really saying anything new. I really do believe that this congregation is standing at the edge of the Promised Land. God is calling you into amazing new life, with a bold and exciting mission – a ministry of witness and service in this community and in the world. And it is a call to which you have already been responding in faithful and powerful ways. My prayer is simply that you will continue to heed the call and respond with your whole heart and soul. You are like the disciples when Jesus sent them out to preach the Good News and heal the sick. They could have hesitated – afraid that they didn’t know enough, didn’t have enough, were not enough. But Jesus cut that argument short with his instructions. He sent them out in pairs and he sent them out empty handed, as if to remind them that they are not alone and it isn’t about the equipment they have. I love the way “The Message” translation puts it. “Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment.” (Luke 9:3)

God is sending you out into the world on a mission of proclamation and service. You are called to share the good news that God is right here, right now, in the midst of us! You are called to share that message with your words, with your actions, and most importantly with your very being. It is what you do already. It is who you are already. And your ability to continue living into this mission isn’t about being big enough, or strong enough, or rich enough, or smart enough, or even faithful enough. It is about being daring enough to take the risk of being fully who you are, fully who God created you to be, in partnership with the God who is always right here with you. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. God isn’t calling you because of the gifts you don’t have. God is calling you because of the gifts you do have. And those gifts are abundant. Pay attention to what you can do, what you are called to do, what you are equipped and empowered by God’s ever-present Spirit to do. Pay attention to who you are, because you are a gift of God, and there are people in the world who need exactly what you have to offer.

You have the gift of hospitality – when people walk through your doors they are met with warmth and caring and acceptance. Please trust me when I tell you that such a gift is huge! You truly embody the phrase, “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” You have been blessed with an openness of spirit and a willingness to explore new ideas and understandings. There are willing and capable leaders among you who will continue to help you live into your mission. Just remember that the ministry which happens here is everyone’s responsibility, and that includes each of you. No matter who you call to be your next pastor, the ministry of this congregation is never the exclusive domain of the pastor. It belongs to all of you.

Always remember that you are not alone – you have God, and you have each other. The Sufi poet Hafiz put it this way, “Out of great need we are all holding hands and climbing. Not loving is a letting go. Listen, the terrain around here is far too dangerous for that.” (from “The Gift” translated by Daniel Ladinsky) So remember to hold hands and stick together. And always remember – you are the gift of God that the world needs. Choose Life!

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